
We support a number of missionaries and mission societies at NLCWH.

20% of all our giving goes to support mission work around the world.

Click on images for further information

Amen Trust

AMEN is a conduit for channelling resources to many overseas Christians
working to make a difference in developing countries. We partner with Gareth Bolton and Chris Chatfield and send shoe boxes each Christmas to Romania.

John Platt, Birmingham City Mission

John Platt, leads Birmingham City Mission’s youth team, working in schools and running youth events and camps for young people around the city.

Dignity Freedom Network

DFN serves the poor, the marginalised and the outcastes in South Asia.

Leprosy Mission

We have supported the work of the Leprosy Mission for many years in prayer, stamp collecting and giving.

Operation Mobilisation UK

Kids ‘n’ Things

(Laurie McEwen)

Laurie, a member of New Life Church Wall Heath, is a full-time worker with OM Kids ‘n’ Things team, based in Halesowen. He is involved in supporting local churches, producing resources, puppetry, holiday clubs and lots more.

Slavic Gospel Association

SGA works in partnership with local churches across Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Wycliffe Bible Translators

We support John, who works with a team of translators in the East Asia, helping to bring the Bible to people in their own languages